At Late Deepak Pandharinath Patil Chavhan D. El. Ed. College, we are committed to maintaining transparency in our financial operations. Below, you will find detailed financial reports, including balance sheets, income and expenditure statements, and receipts and payments.
The balance sheet provides a clear view of the college’s assets, liabilities, and equity at the end of the fiscal year 2022-2023. It reflects the financial stability and capital strength of the institution.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –> Balance Sheet 2022-23
This section shows a detailed breakdown of income sources and expenditures for the academic year 2022-2023, ensuring accountability for how funds have been allocated for various activities and improvements.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –> Income & Expanditure 2022-23
Receipt and Payment Account 2022-2023
The receipt and payment account gives an overview of cash inflows and outflows for the year, offering transparency in the financial handling of the college.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –>Reciept & Payment 2022-23
The balance sheet for the year 2021-2022 provides a comprehensive overview of the college’s financial position. It outlines the college’s assets, liabilities, and overall financial health during this period.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –>Balance Sheet 2021-22
This statement provides insights into the college’s income and expenses for the academic year 2021-2022. It showcases the allocation of funds towards educational programs, infrastructure, and operational costs.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –>Income & Expenditure 2021-22
The receipt and payment account for the year 2021-2022 highlights the cash transactions during the period, offering a transparent view of how funds were received and utilized by the college.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD –>Receipt & payment acc. for the year 2021-22
By presenting these detailed reports, Late Deepak Pandharinath Patil Chavhan D. El. Ed. College ensures complete financial transparency and provides insights into its financial management practices. These documents reinforce our commitment to sound financial governance and the sustainable growth of our institution.